But for our purposes here, you can also use it to flip and rotate your video. With it, you can reshape and move images around in 2D or even along 3D planes. Track Motion is a powerful tool for moving, rotating, resizing, flipping, and animating images in your VEGAS project. Once the image is small enough within the frame, you can rotate it without cutting off any of the image.
The image becomes smaller in the Video Preview window because you are enlarging the frame relative to the image. ✓ In order to keep the entire image visible when it rotates, drag a corner of the frame to enlarge it. Notice also that if your frame is at the original size, rotating the frame cuts off part of the image because the shape of the rotated frame and the shape of the image do not match. So, rotating the frame clockwise appears to rotate the image counter-clockwise. Keep in mind, as we’ve said, the value does not actually rotate the image, it rotates the frame relative to the image. Notice the positive values rotate the image counter-clockwise, which is a bit counter-intuitive.
Values higher than 180 or -180 will rotate the image past upside-down and back toward right-side up, which matters if you want to animate a rotation. To rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, enter -90. For example, to rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise, enter 90.